
A mobile solution to benefit freelancers and remote workers in successfully locating great coffee shops and public spaces to do work from.

UX Researcher & Designer
4th, Jan '21 - 8th, Jan '21
Figma,, Apple iWork, Google Workspace
Key skills
Research, User Interview, Ideation, User Flow, Sketching, Wireframing, Visual Design, Prototyping, Usability Testing.
The Problem

Time is money and it holds even more water for people on the hustle. When on the go, freelancers and remote workers generally find it stressful to exhaust time behind finding a good place in the public to work from efficiently.

The Process
Image of process followed during the project
Day 01 / Map

A community driven platform to foster dependability, enabling faster yet effective information consumption.


Maximum information, minimal interaction, and quicker access to task completion.


Minimize interaction through adaptive information to reduce decision-making time.


A straightforward interface reducing mental exertion and making the user feel at ease.

User Interview Takeaways
Users, most importantly, check on the availability of good wifi connection, restrooms, and charging outlets before making any decision.
Users find it inconvenient to take calls with their clients when the place is noisy or packed and hence have to jump places before finding a quieter place.
Users, generally, want to know if the place allows them and has enough room to sit and work for a while.
Users, typically, want to perceive the vibe of the place before deciding on going there and setting up for work.

The Busy Bee

Persona One: Arjun
How Might We ....
make the process of finding a great public place less stressful?
Provide information pertaining to what they are looking for.
Multiple pathways to allow users to delve into the appropriate level of information, as required.
Enable people to share information about places, making it easier for users to evaluate and decide.
enable users to spend minimum time locating a great public space?
Bite-size information to evaluate and decide quickly.
Minimal interaction to receive and utilize information quickly.
Adaptive information gathered automatically through the user's proximity.
User Map
Day 02 / Sketch
Inspiration / Lightning Demos

To gather a clearer picture of the envisioned solution and ensure my design ideas match the users' needs, I browsed through various existing apps to discover interactions that could inspire PostUp's experience. My attention gravitated towards four apps - Chipotle, Culture Trip, Kitchen Stories, and DoorDash, due to their focus on task completion through a multitude of routes.

Inspiration from the app Chipotle.
Inspiration from the app Culture Trip.
Culture Trip
Inspiration from the app Kitchen Stories.
Kitchen Stories
Inspiration from the app Doordash.

I liked how Chipotle integrates the map in the app, grabbing the user's attention to a bird's eye view of nearby spots while giving the option to search places. This process was incredibly inspiring to me as it aligned with one of my envisioned design solutions. This process would facilitate PostUp's users to reduce the number of interactions by exploring the pin-drops on the map and navigating to the site.
I found Culture Trip and Kitchen Stories to be interesting for their clean yet detailed interaction layouts. Furthermore, they presented ideas for integrating hero content and search box.
Lastly, I liked how minimal yet effective DoorDash is in presenting quick information allowing the user to align interest before clicking on a particular card. DoorDash also inspired me with its filter system.

Crazy 8s

Once I had all my inspirations narrowed down, I sketched out eight different variations of PostUp’s most critical screen, and soon, it was clear to me which one stuck out the most.

Day 03 / Decide
Critical screen

I decided to move forward with the fifth variation of the critical screen as it provided access to a faster task completion process by directly greeting the users with a bird eye view of nearby pin-drops, that users can select from and navigate to.

Once I narrowed down on the critical screen I want to expand on, I wanted to visualize how the users would interact with the interface, what results from their interactions, and what the user would do next.

End-to-end solution
Day 04 / Prototype
Map User Flow
Nearby User Flow
Search User Flow
Day 05 / Test
Testing & Iteration

At this stage, assessing the interface's usability was crucial to evaluate the interface's design and ensure that it is intuitive and easy to use.

For the usability testing sessions, I decided on conducting one round with five users, to validate issues and test solution iterations. All the interviews were conducted in person on my laptop, and each interview lasted about 30 minutes.

Users didn't care much about the food price.
Users confused the food price with the seating price.
Some icons were confusing users.
Final Visual: Standby
Final Visual: Timer
Some users wanted to have the parking information before deciding on a place.
Users wanted to save / favorite places for later use or sharing.
Final Visual: Standby
Final Visual: Timer
Users sought reviewers’ pictures before deciding.
Users wanted to save time by filtering through reviews.
Final Visual: Standby
Final Visual: Timer
Things users appreciated
Home screen
Display of payment source and total utilization information.
Option between automatic and manual subscription feeding.
Saving name for a new foodSaving name for a new food
Auto Cook/Defrost
Minimal and self-explanatory interface and information flow.
Final Prototype
Click on the interface to start interacting.
Concluding Thoughts

A design sprint can get very overwhelming very fast, but once I got the hang of what I was doing, it was, instead, a very efficient process. I understand why people love design sprints and how this can bring value to a product design process.

PostUp’s fundamental vision was to benefit freelancers and remote workers looking for a great coffee shop or any public place to do work from. The goal was to achieve this by bridging the endpoint (getting work done effectively in a public space) with the starting point (looking for a place to do work from) while focusing on simplicity, productivity, efficiency, and trust.

As I was the only person in the design sprint, tasks like sticking to each day’s design sprint responsibilities, deciding which sketch solution to move forward with, and which user-need to tackle first did get challenging. Nevertheless, concluding each day’s tasks made me appreciate the process even more. It started making more and more sense as I came to the end of the project regarding the speed and efficiency of the whole process, and in the scenario where the solution doesn’t work, it was just five days and not a month or more that you exhausted.  

What's next?

If I were to continue on this project, I would love to see if there's a scope for further simplification in the task completion process.

Moving forward, I am planning on integrating this process in some form in my future projects. 

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Section separator
Day 1 (Map)
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Day 2 (Sketch)
Section separator
Day 3 (Decide)
Section separator
Day 4 (Prototype)
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Day 5 (Test)
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Concluding Thoughts
Day 1 (Map)
Day 2 (Sketch)
Day 3 (Decide)
Day 4 (Prototype)
Day 5 (Test)
Concluding Thoughts